
Showing posts from December, 2009

so much more

Last night I held a seven month old baby boy, who couldn’t have weighed more than 10 pounds. He was literally skin and bones. His skin hung loose over his fragile little skeleton. I was shocked to hear that he was looking so much better than he was just a few short weeks ago. My mind started to wonder what he must have looked like a few weeks ago if THIS was better! As I looked into the eyes of this precious baby I knew only one thing; it wasn’t right. No baby should ever have to suffer the way this tiny little boy was suffering. No baby should ever have to go hungry for days on end. No baby should have to sleep on a dirty cement floor. There is so much more, we were created for so much more. I hope this little baby gets to experience the “so much more” part of life. When I see Hannah and Jeremiah, their happy smiling faces, and their chubby arms and legs I realize that their lives were saved. There is no question in my mind that they would have died if we had not taken them in. But wh...

One people

Dave Matthews says, “You and me together, we can do anything.” The Black Eyed Peas say, “One tribe, one time, one planet, one race, it’s all one blood… we are one people.” Zac Efron and the rest of the High School Musical gang say, “We’re all in this together.” The Bible says that we as Christians form one body; all parts working together in harmony. There is a Haitian Proverb that says, “Many hands make heavy loads light.” I think we’re on to something here. We’re not meant to carry our burdens alone, we’re not meant to face the dark corners of this world by ourselves. We were created for community. We were created to support each other, to love each other, to share in the joy and laughter of those around us but also to help carry each others' burdens, to take on the pain and suffering of our fellow man. We were created to work together, each and every one of us working together to make this world a better place. Are we? Are you?