An Afternoon Adventure

A few weeks ago the boys and I jumped at the chance to go visit an orphanage in Williamson. The boys were super excited about our afternoon adventure, that is until we got there. We pulled into the orphanage/churchyard and hopped out of the truck. It was interesting to watch the boys as they took in their surroundings. They were so timid. There was a small metal swing set and monkey bars in the yard so I headed in that direction. The orphanage boys came out to get a better look at us. I greeted them in Creole, which sparked a whole series of questions. I chatted away with them and introduced Joshua, Olivier and Joseph. Slowly but surely Joshua started talking to the boys and a short while later all three of them were running around showing off their dance moves and doing flips. Once I knew they would be ok, I headed into the church to see what everyone else was up to. I saw the Pastor and went to introduce myself. When I greeted him in Creole he was lit...