Kids Serving Kids
September was a great month at the orphanage, there were so many things to be proud of. I visited an orphanage in Williamson back in April, which is when the idea of a kid led VBS was born. We brought the idea up at family meeting, asking if any of the kids would be interested in planning and leading a VBS program for another orphanage and more than half our kids showed up to the planning meeting. I really had no idea what to expect as this was the first time we really tried something like this. The kids blew me away. I literally just showed up and took pictures. The kids planned and ran the whole thing, for three days! These kids are truly amazing, watching them serve our Lord with such joy and passion brought tears to my eyes. Our leaders split the kids into 4 groups, which then rotated around to different stations. We had a craft station, sport/game station, community health and Bible story station and a music station. Our leaders were in charge of specific stations and wer...