This Crazy Beautiful Frustrating Country
It's been a stressful couple of weeks, lots going on, many days serving in a variety of ways off campus, not a lot of office hours, work piling up with limited time available to accomplish everything, plus massive amounts of general Haiti frustration, think entitlement spewing everywhere ruining your day, no ink or paper to print anything out and orphanage directors calling non-stop hoping I somehow have all the answers to their immediate needs (I don't, in case you too thought I just might). Now insert 4 kids who need their momma's attention too, have to get to school on time, finished homework and eat 3 times a day, every single day (!!!) and then take Kenol out of the equation because he is in Austin for meetings all week, so now I'm in charge of laundry (We're all re-wearing our cleanest dirty clothes tomorrow...sorry!) and today our nanny wasn't able to come to work because her mom is sick. Welcome to my life people. Sometimes serving is difficult, pa...