
Showing posts from July, 2016

How to Be More Effective in Cross Cultural Ministry

There is a sad truth I would like to share with you. All too often people with great intentions do harm in Jesus' name in cross cultural ministry. In my ten years on the mission field I have seen a lot of amazing things happen but I've also seen a lot of hurt caused by well meaning ministry workers. I have compiled this short list of things I have learned, and that I think you should know to help you be more effective in cross cultural missions. 1. Always remember that YOU are the foreigner. This is not your country, you are a guest and should act like one. 2. The people you are serving know SO much more than you ever will about their country, culture and needs. 3. Your way isn't the only way, or necessarily the right way. 4. You better work your butt off to learn the language, and quickly. If you have been living or serving in a foreign land for a year and still can't communicate more than basic greetings to those you came to serve you need to make some chang...

A Lesson in Trust

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 If you've ever attended church or a Bible study I'm sure you've read or at least heard someone quote this verse. I've led Bible studies and even, very recently, preached using this as one of my key scriptures. Worry is something I struggle with. A lot. I mean every single day. Honestly, by world views I have a lot to worry about. Don't we all?  I know what the Bible says about worry but  I make up excuses. I rationalize worry. I've even convinced myself that it's ok to worry. I feel like my life is just different, my problems are too big, too overwhelming, too difficult, too scary NOT to worry. Here's what I know for sure; worry and trust cannot coexist. You must choose ONE.  Kenol...