The Emotional Hurricane

The fear surrounding hurricane Matthew was immense. I'm talking terrifying. The giant angry red blot on the radar. Words like category 4, catastrophic, total destruction, villages washing away. This is what we were hearing, and this is what we were expecting. That Sunday Kenol told our congregation the hurricane was coming, and that it was expected to be huge, much bigger than anything we've had in recent history. The church spent time praying for the hurricane to weaken and for protection over the country. I was thankful he announced it because everyone I talked to really seemed to have no idea that it was coming. I can't tell you how many times I pulled my phone out to show the terrifying radar images, "See the red part, that's the hurricane! It's bigger than the entire country. It's going to be terrible. You need to take this seriously! " I cried out in my panicked voice. Most everyone just smiled and said, "God knows" or "We'll...