Jan 12 - 8 Years of remembering
2018 On this day 8 years ago my life changed forever. I survived one of the worst natural disasters in recorded history and saw, heard and experienced many horrific things. It was a dark time. Out of that darkness came great suffering, suffering I cannot even begin to explain, nor would I ever want to. That suffering was eventually followed by the most intense personal and spiritual growth I have ever and probably will ever experience. Out of the ashes came the Bernard family as it is today. I have been blessed with the incredible honour and privilege of raising three amazing boys who lost their mother that day. And I have been blessed with the most loving and kind hearted husband, who was miraculously spared. Jubilee, named for the year of Jubilee, a great symbol of restoration in years long past, is only here because of that terrible day. Always remember, no matter how dark your circumstance may be, God truly can make something beautiful come out of ...