Another interesting afternoon

Today was strange for me. I sometimes think I'm running out of "firsts" when it comes to the kids at Hope House but then something always happens and I think to myself, "Well, here's something new."

The kindergarten kids usually stop by my office when school lets out. Steevenson is a bit of a tattle tale so I am always well informed if one of the other HH kids in his class gets into trouble. Today was no exception. He let me know that one of the girls got in trouble today for showing a boy in their class her underwear. Apparently the little boy asked if he could see her undies, she said sure and up went her skirt.

This little incident reminded me that I've been meaning to have a talk with the kids about their "private areas", what's OK and what's not OK, and of course what to do if someone tries to touch their private areas. And so I spent the afternoon with the kids (in separate groups according to sex and age) talking about these things.

My life is strange. Awesome, but strange.



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