
I'm not sure what to write today, but I feel like writing something. Writing just makes things better, writing helps me figure out what is going on in my mind, things I haven't yet digested sometimes come clear when I write.

I've been having a hard time sleeping again. It's a cycle. I have finally figured out what triggers the beginning of a disruptive sleep cycle: Nightmares. I have had issues with nightmares for as long as I can remember, but since moving to Haiti the nightmares have become much worse. More frequent, more violent, more frightening, more graphic, more disturbing.

I don't often complain about being single, for the most part I don't mind. I can eat the 'last piece' of everything, I can be spontaneous, I can eat peanuts and candy corn for lunch, I can work long hours and come home and work some more if I feel like it and I never have to wait for the washroom, there really are a lot of perks to being single. However when I wake up in the middle of the night from a murderous nightmare I want nothing more that to have someone there to tell me it was just a dream and everything will be alright.

When the nightmares get really bad fear begins to set in which then makes me dread going to bed. I go to bed anxious about what might happen in my mind while I sleep. Sometimes I take sleeping pills, not because I can't fall asleep but because I want to stay asleep, or at least fall back asleep right away after a nightmare. There is nothing worse than lying in bed, not being able to fall back asleep after waking up from a nightmare. Your mind just keeps playing the dream over and over causing more and more anxiety as you lay alone in the dark. Of course after having a night like this you don't feel very rested in the morning which then affects every part of your day. It's all part of Satan's plan.

Thankfully I have God on my side.


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