Jesus, the master recycler!

Can our sins be used for good? Romans 8:28 says, “In all things God works for the good of those who love him.”

In John 20 Jesus says, “If you forgive someone’s sins, they’re gone for good. If you don’t forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?”

I’m sitting here thinking about this, thinking about the wording of that. “If you don’t forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?” We need to DO SOMETHING with our sin.

I’m a visual person, so let me paint a picture for you: picture a garbage dump, it’s smelly, it’s gross, it’s massive, the pile just keeps getting bigger and no one knows what to do with all that useless garbage stinking up the neighborhood.

Then some genius comes along with this brilliant idea: Recycling! Who would have thought we could convert waste into a reusable material. But that’s not all this genius came up with. Not only are we going to recycle, but we’re also going to reduce our waste and reuse what we can.

Stay with me here and you’ll see where I’m going with this.

In my illustration Jesus is this genius recycler.

Instead of our sins rotting away in a landfill He turns them into forgiveness, but not just that, He converts that sin into a reusable material! He enables us to use our past experiences, our past sin to touch others, to reach the lost, to connect with other people whose sins are rotting away in the landfill. He takes it a step further and helps us reduce our sin. He understands that we’re human and there will always be some sin, it’s a part of life, but he teaches us to reduce our sin more and more everyday. He also helps us reuse our sin. (Hear me out!) When our sin is transformed into forgiveness we can be sure that our forgiveness is lived in daily.

Jesus, the master recycler!

Peace, love and the 3 R’s!



  1. totally!
    the forgiveness is multiplied in blessings, in witness, in glory to HIM!
    REaLLy like this post.


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