Always an adventure

5:15am – I have been at the Toronto airport since 3:15am. I just got through my second security check and am sitting in front of my gate finally. As I was standing in line I was wondering which would be better, to be scanned by one of those new and improved x-rated scanners which basically removes your clothing and takes a picture of you in the buff OR having someone actually touching you all over. I have not decided which I think is worse yet, but I can tell you that my “pat down” was surprisingly personal, for lack of a better term. At least my coffee is good, really good actually.

5:21am – I forgot to mention that I have not slept at all yet. We had to leave the house at 1:30 so there really wasn’t a point.

5:25am – There is totally a famous person sitting across from me. I can’t figure out who she is though, so she can’t be that famous. She’s older I think she played a teacher or a mother or something on a show I used to watch. I’m going to keep right on staring to see if I can figure it out.

5:28am – She just smiled at me. Maybe she’s not famous, maybe she’s just some lady I know somehow. Weird. I’m getting nervous about this flight leaving on time. My experience with Delta has left A LOT to be desired and so far I have not left on time at all. I only have a 45 minute lay-over in New York so I kind of HAVE to leave on time if I want to get home today.

6:05am – My flight is supposed to be leaving right now and I’m still sitting here staring at Mrs. May-be-famous. I’m getting really nervous, if I don’t make my connecting flight I’m stuck at the airport until Monday!! I really hope we leave soon.

6:50am – Good news, I’m on the plane finally. Bad news, we’re already 45 minutes late AND I’m sitting directly across from the washroom. I can literally touch the door with my elbow. Ok, maybe not my elbow but I don’t need to fully extend my arm to touch the door. Speaking of the door, I hope they close it before we take off. I don’t want toilet water splashing all over me if we hit turbulence!!

7:05am –The stewardess closed the washroom door. We’re 5th in line to take off. I really don’t think I’m going to make my flight.

8:35am – I slept pretty much the whole flight. We should be landing in 20 minutes or so, which gives me 5 minutes from the time this flight lands and my next flight takes off. This is NOT GOOD!

8:55am – The board says my flight is “closed”. That can’t be good.

8:57am – I hear my name being called over the intercom, “Rachel Montgomery please come to gate 7 immediately your flight is ready for takeoff. The doors will be closing in two minutes.”

8:58am - People are staring as I run past them. Running, running, running.

9:00am – I MADE MY FLIGHT!! I’m still trying to catch my breath and man, am I ever sweating! I wish you could have seen Diana’s face when she saw me walk onto the plane! (She flew in front Buffalo and we had planned to meet up at JFK and fly together.)

9:02am – We have not taken off yet, they just made an announcement about waiting for the last of the luggage to be put on. I hope it’s mine, but the chances of my bags making it are slim to none. At least I made it and don’t have to spend the next two days in freezing cold New York without a coat!!! YAY!!

12:10pm – The guy sitting across the aisle from us isn’t feeling very well. He looks real sweaty and kind of like he might throw up or something. The stewardess just went to get him some water.

12:20pm – He doesn’t look very good and the stewardess looks nervous. They just made an announcement asking if there are any doctors or medical personnel on board, saying we have a ‘medical emergency’…nothing like the word emergency to make people panic! Everyone is trying to see what’s going on, we’ve got a pretty good view since he’s right across from us. I hope he’s ok! We should be landing in about 40 minutes. There are quite a few nurses on the flight, but no doctor as far as I can tell.

12:30pm – They’ve checked his blood pressure and his blood sugar. I’m assuming his blood sugar is low or something because they just brought some cookies and ginger ale over for him.

12:40pm – He looks much better already. Thank goodness! The nurses are heading back to their seats and the stewardess’ are filling out some kind of incident report.

12:45pm – They are just putting the oxygen tank away. I’m surprised they have an oxygen tank on board. I wonder what else they have.

12:55pm – We’re about to land. I’m super excited and super tired!

1:20pm – Guess what I just picked up. My bags! I can’t believe they made it! We left New York like 5 minutes after I got on the plane. I really didn’t think they could make it! YAY!

1:30pm – Haiti, how I have missed you. It’s so warm and sunny. Nothing like the sunshine to make a person happy.

1:55pm – I love that when we get to the gravel pit I get that “I’m so close to home” feeling. It’s the same feeling I get when we get to the Thoroldstone Rd exit in Niagara Falls.

2:15pm – I love that the kids are so excited to see me they are literally jumping up and down as we drive in.


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