So long, farewell!

I woke up at 4:50 this morning, but this time I woke up that early on purpose!

After 51 days of earthquake madness and no time off I am officially going on vacation. In about 5 minutes a car is picking me up to take me to the bus station. I will them hop on a bus to the Dominican Republic where I will meet up with my new friend Kirsten (who I met through Earthquake relief work here). After a night of watching The Office and sleeping inside, in a real bed, I will be up and on my way to the airport. A few hours in the air and I will be in Orlando, Florida where John and Cathy (my favourite pastor and his beautiful wife), Leanne (my bff), Terry and Henry (her awesome hubby and baby) and I will all gather for what I'm assuming will be a cry fest, for the first few minutes anyway!

Oh yes, vacation. No responsibility, no aftershocks, no tents...just shopping malls, SUSHI and sleeping.

peace, love and VACATION!



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