The growing family: Part 3

The boys were both waiting by the side of the road for me the next afternoon. I walked with them along the narrow path to their home to pick up their things and to say their goodbyes. The boys were bouncing with excitement.

The Hope House kids were waiting for us when we pulled in. Our kids seemed to be just as excited as the boys were!

Once the boys had been seen their rooms, met their ‘mommies’, had some lunch and had been introduced to the kids and the rest of the staff I brought them into the supply depot to give them a few things. I started with a pair of sandals each. Green flip flops for Iverson and blacks Crocs with purple straps for Galaxon. They were beaming. I said, "Ok, now we need to find you boys some running shoes." They looked at each other and giggled. After trying on a few pairs they were both happy with their new running shoes. Moving on down my list I told them, "Next we need to find you boys some church shoes." Iverson, wide eyed and bursting with curiosity practical yelled, "After you give us church shoes what will we get?!" I laughed out loud and said, "Underwear!" Galaxon jumped in the conversation then asking, "And after underwear will we get more stuff?" It was so much fun watching their reactions as I happily informed them, "You'll be getting all sorts of things today! Shorts, jeans, dress pants, t-shirts, dress shirts, long sleeved shirts and probably even pajamas!"

Have I mentioned yet how much I love what I do? These boys have been through the wringer. They’ve experienced more pain and loss than many of us will endure in our entire lives. How exciting that that changes now; these boys now have hope, they have a bright future now. I thank God for choosing these boys. I thank God that we always have room for one more, somehow even when we have long ago claimed to be “full” there is always room for more.

Praise God for blessing us with two more children.

Peace, love and an always-growing family,



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