Happy Birthday Olivier!

Two years ago if you would have told me I would be the mother of a 7 year old today I would have told you to double check your math skills but SURPRISE here I am momma to not only Olivier who turned 7 this weekend, but also Joshua (8) and Joseph (4).

God likes to keep us on our toes, that’s for sure!

This weekend was a special one as Friday was Olivier’s birthday! We planned his birthday party for Saturday night at 6:00. Apparently the Hope House boys didn’t get the message as they were giggling at our door at 4:00 with their toothbrushes carefully stuffed into their pockets!! After a dinner of banana pancakes and peanut butter the party officially began. All 10 little boys sat at our dinner table where we played some games; they were actually English lessons on opposites, but they won candy so they didn’t know the difference!  Once everyone’s pockets were full of candy it was time for cake and coke before we opened gifts. I love that all Olivier needed to think his gift was amazing was a few matchbox cars! The boys all crowded around him ooooohhhhhhing and aaaaaahhhhhhing as he pulled each one out of the bag.

Next came the movie, Olivier’s pick: Spy Kids 3. The boys all crowded around the TV telling each other what was about to happen as they’ve all seen it at least 10 times.

We tucked all 10 of them into the beds and on the playroom floor. They giggled and chatted for a long while until one by one they fell asleep.

It’s a great thing to know that our boys get to grow up with my boys. We’ve so easily become one big happy family and are loving every minute of it!

Peace, love and birthday parties!



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