Exciting Firsts This Christmas

This has been an exciting Christmas season for our family. There have been so many firsts for the boys, and for Kenol as well. When I was in Canada I bought the original Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer DVD. I was surprised to find out that the boys had never heard of Rudolph. I was even more surprised to find out that Kenol had never heard of Rudolph either! The kids LOVED the movie, especially the abominable snowmonster!! It was more fun watching them than the movie itself! Tonight was another first. My parents sent a gingerbread train kit home with me as well. I brought out the box tonight and showed the boys what we were going to make. They ooed and aahhed over the box. When I started snapping the gingerbread pieces apart they kept saying, "Mmmm, that smells good!" I got the icing out and started putting the pieces together. The boys watched with wide eyes as it slowly became a train. A bit of icing got on my finger and I, of course, licked it off. The boys in unison, g...