Book Report – 44 Scotland Street

Alexander McCall Smith is my absolute favourite author, thanks to my momma. She got me hooked! I’ve read his entire No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series, which are my favourite books ever. They were even made into an HBO series for a season. They are about a traditionally built (fat) lady detective in Botswana. If you are looking for some easy and fun reading check those out. So far he has 13 books out in that series and each one is incredible. As I have read the whole series thus far I decided to branch out into his other series.

I just finished reading 44 Scotland Street, the first book of the series. It was originally published as a serial in The Scotsman newspaper in Scotland; which makes it quit interesting. Each chapter is no more than 4 pages long, and has to be a complete “scene” in a sense, as it would be read on it’s own in the newspaper.

The book is about the tenants who live in apartment building in Edinburgh. The characters were quite interesting, although there were many, and you only got a wee snippet of each one in their short chapters. I loved that the characters ranged in age from 5 year old Bertie whose mother Irene is a little crazy! She painted his room pink so he can decide for himself what type of boy he wants to be, refuses to let him play with trains, the toy he so desires, is forcing him to learn Italian, making him play the saxophone and may have a crush on his therapist (she is married). Then there is 20 year old Pat who gets a job at an Art Dealership where they don’t know who painted any of their paintings. Pat thinks one of them could potentially be a Peploe, which would be worth somewhere around 40 thousand pounds but it goes missing before they know for sure. Then there is Domenica an eccentric widow who once lived in India and has some even more eccentric friends.

It was an interesting read, I don't know anything about Scotland so some of the cultural references were lost on me. I'm looking forward to getting the next book in the series, although I am hoping the chapters can be a little longer so the author can get a little more in depth with the characters.

I definitely recommend reading Alexander McCall Smith, however I would start with the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series first, and then move on from there.

I haven't really figured out what to read next. Any recommendations?




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