Meet the Newest Member of the Village of Hope Family!

Whenever a new child comes in to the orphanage I always take some time with their family to get their story, where they came from, their family history and why the family made the decision to bring them to the orphanage. It is so important when the children get older, and start to ask questions, that we can share their stories with them, so I was a little bummed when I found out via email that we had a new child in the orphanage, and I would have to wait 2 days to get back to Haiti to meet him. All I knew was that the child was male and about 20 months old.

When I got back to Haiti I went straight to the baby room to meet little Mackenlove. He was fast asleep when I came in so I just got to take a peek at the little guy.

Over the next few days I was asked a number of times what his story was, but I still had no idea. Then on Sunday at church a woman came to greet me and shared with me how happy she was that her son was in the orphanage now, and it all came together. I have met this woman numerous times over the past year or so, and each time little Mackenlove was in her arms when she shared that she had been struggling to take care of her children, especially the youngest one, which was little Mackenlove. 
 I brought Mackenlove up to our house this Saturday for a haircut. It was the first time I really spent quality time with him since he came, and we had lots of fun. Carrying him up to the house I was able to tangibly see the extent of his malnutrition, he is tiny with no muscle definition at all. He weighs only 19 pounds. His hair was very brittle with an orange ting, all signs of malnutrition.

His haircut was an instant mini-transformation. As I cut the unhealthy orange hair off I saw the beginning of the new Mackenlove. The hair beneath is dark and healthy, his smile is contagious, his personality is so sweet. It is amazing what a little love, a little care, and healthy food can do to quickly transform a child.

We are excited that God has brought another child to us. I know that each child in the orphanage is chosen by God to be a part of this family. We look forward to getting to know Mackenlove better and seeing the wonderful plan God has for his beautiful little life.

Please keep Mackenlove in your prayers as he adjusts to his new life at the orphanage.

Peace, love and cute little guys!



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