A New Chapter in Our Lives

Friends, I have some huge news to share with you. It’s a pretty big deal. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it.  It is so exciting and yet terrifying. I’m filled with ridiculous joy but also completely overcome with sadness. I am a mess of conflicting emotions.

God has opened this most precious, beautiful, incredible, perfect door for our family and for that I am so unbelievably thankful and excited. But, by default, an open door means leaving something else behind. It means picking up all my courage, faith and trust and walking confidently into a new season with a joy filled heart while sorrow erupts and overwhelms me with each step.

The Lord began stirring something in both Kenol and I about 2 years ago. It was foreign at first, this feeling of change.  My future had always felt permanent here. I was ready to spend my life in Haiti with Mission of Hope. This feeling of uncertainly was unnerving and in all honesty confusing. I prayed for clarity, I prayed for understanding, I prayed for God to open the right doors.

And then after what felt like an eternity, suddenly it happened. Doors began to open, and Kenol and I both began to dream about what could be. Never in my life have I ever prayed for and about something as I have for this.

So when Kenol was offered the position of senior pastor of Falls View BIC church in Niagara Falls, Canada after a unanimous vote by the search committee we already knew that our answer would be yes! There is no hint of doubt in our minds that this is where the Lord is calling us, and what he has been preparing us for.

Falls View is the most incredible church, I know this because Falls View is my home church, the church I was born and raised in. The church has been through a lot as a church family, and has remained faithful and united through it all.  There is unbelievable potential and heart to really reach and serve the lost in Niagara Falls. They have a heart to serve those in need and do fellowship really really well!  These are my people!! Kenol and I cannot wait to begin this new chapter of ministry with Falls View in January 2017.

We are leaving home, to go home. I couldn’t think of a more beautiful close to this chapter of my life.

Please be praying for us as we begin the transition out of our roles, and our lives in Haiti. We are particularly struggling with leaving the Village of Hope/Transition kids and Church of Hope. They are God’s first and we know he will provide what is needed for each of us through this transition.  

With love,



  1. Congratulations to Falls View BIC
    Blessings and congratulations on you and your husband coming back to your roots. What better way to Plant your roots but by following God's plan.
    As a former member of Falls View where I was brought up I know this is a real Blessing for your family and my Mom and the rest of the church families.


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