K'BHAMM FAM Camping Trip: Entry 1

K’BHAMM FAM CAMPING BLOG DAY -1 and 1 I finished work on Friday a little after 5:00 and immediately went into super packing mode. So much so that eventually I got the shakes from not eating and had to stop and scarf something down before I passed out. Shaking eventually stopped, moving on. We can't forget Pickle Bottle Jubilee’s bag completed using camping checklist (note to self add bonnet to her list). Zander’s bag completed using camping checklist. (added in a few extras of everything because Zander gets DIRTY!!) Zander asked repeatedly, “are we going camping today?” To which I responded every time, “No, we’re going camping tomorrow.” At this point I went grocery shopping with our giant list. Items I forgot: -Alfredo sauce -bacon -eggs -hotdogs Upon my return Kenol went to get a few things he needed that were not on the master list and to fill in the gaps from my list. Items he forgot: -bacon -hotdogs I packed for hours and eventually dropped into bed knowing ...