K'BHAMM FAM Camping Trip: Entry 1


I finished work on Friday a little after 5:00 and immediately went into super packing mode. So much so that eventually I got the shakes from not eating and had to stop and scarf something down before I passed out. Shaking eventually stopped, moving on. 

We can't forget Pickle Bottle 
Jubilee’s bag completed using camping checklist (note to self add bonnet to her list).

Zander’s bag completed using camping checklist. (added in a few extras of everything because Zander gets DIRTY!!)

Zander asked repeatedly, “are we going camping today?” To which I responded every time, “No, we’re going camping tomorrow.”

At this point I went grocery shopping with our giant list. Items I forgot: 

-Alfredo sauce




Upon my return Kenol went to get a few things he needed that were not on the master list and to fill in the gaps from my list. Items he forgot: 



I packed for hours and eventually dropped into bed knowing Saturday would be another day of wild packing.

Zander was up at 5:45 as usual, the fist thing he asked me was, “Are we going camping today?” To which I responded, “yes we are!” He then said, “ok let’s go!” And I had to break his heart by telling him we were quite ready yet.

For the next 7 hours he asked repeatedly, “Are we going camping now?” It wasn’t annoying at all.

After gathering pillow, blankets, sheets, towels, beach towels, baseball gloves, baseball (that was a hard one) and packing the coolers with allllll the things I finally got around to packing my own bag. At this point we were 1.5 hours behind schedule (which I knew would happen, but a girls got to set goals). 

When I finally got around to packing my bag I was officially in “panic mode” and was throwing random things in. I’m sure I’ll wear the same 5 things (black yoga pants and “True Crime Club” shirt and sweater the whole week and never pull out the DRESS I panic packed. Like really!? At least I didn’t panic pack my milk frother this time (it happened once before) -although if we had electricity on our camp site I probably would have. 

I tried not to be a total control freak and bossy wife so I let Kenol pack the van/car and tried my best to keep out of it. He did a fabulous job getting our 8 billion items loaded in, it wasn’t done how I would have done it but it fit and it was fine. I’m learning to LET IT GOOOOOOOOO. (Because no one likes control freaks)

Fast forward 3 hours and we arrived at Point Farms. We quickly set up our second tent-dad and mom set up the first for us as they came the day before. I got the beds ready while Kenol and the boys worked their magic on tents and tarps. Again I did my best to let Kenol do his thing…I am NOT a control freak…

Eventually I made some Kraft dinner because apparently little people can’t survive in the wilderness without sustenance, and depend on their mothers to provide said sustenance. (Rude-don’t they realize I’m on vacation!?) 

Finally the time comes for the little people to be put to bed. It’s only 2.5 hours past their normal bedtime. Zander was losing his mind with the kind of beyond tired hyperactivity every mother dreads. Jubilee cried because she wanted to be put to bed first. Zander cried because he too wanted to be first. Eventually everyone fell asleep. 

Zander slept straight through the night (this never happens) and sleept until 8:15 (This NEVER happens - I checked to make sure he wasn’t dead multiple times) 

Jubilee didn't wake up until 7:15. (15 minutes shy of the last eat she’s ever slept) 

And so begins day 2. 


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