An Intense Monday Morning!

I am writing this on my phone from a hospital bed in our Clinic's little ER room. Praise the Lord for our clinic. This morning as I drank my morning coffee and thought about the seemingly uneventful day laying ahead the phone rang. It was Mommy Edith, she sounded calm, but extremely worried. She explained that Pierre was breathing funny and was clenching his jaw again. Knowing Pierre's medical history I knew we needed to get him to the clinic asap. I jumped in my truck and headed down to the nursery. Mommy Edith came out with Pierre in her arms and we made our way to the clinic. We went right into the ER room and Rick, one of our newest North American staff members, started working away on Pierre. He was hooked up to a number of machines, but his breathing became more and more labored. I climbed up on the bed told hold Pierre upright as they worked on him. As his breathing became increasing difficult I watched as the room became a flurry of action, once again I felt my life was like a scene from a movie. I watched as everything was happening at lightening speed, but was seeing it all in slow motion. Everyone was talking in hushed voices and they were all rushing around frantically. I realized that the situation was serious as I watched our medical staff work away on him as I held him in my arms.

We prayed for healing as he struggled to take each breath. I was trying my hardest to hold it together but the tears started streaming down my face, I began to wonder if this beautiful child was about to die in my arms. We prayed some more. It felt like an eternity of scared looks and worried faces but finally Pierre began to breathe again at a more normal rate. Slowly but surely he came around, to the point that Rick was able to say instead of rushing him out in the ambulance to "hopefully" find a hospital that could take him, we could keep him here in our little ER room for observation. Praise the Lord. Once again God stepped in and saved this little boys life. He is sleeping soundly on my lap right now. We know his medical problems are far from over, but we thank the Lord for another day with this special little man. If it had not been for our clinic, Pierre most likely would not be with us anymore. Thank you Lord for Mission of Hope, and for saving one more precious life. Please keep Pierre in your prayers as we continue to pray for miraculous healing!

Peace, Love and miracles!



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