2021 Christmas Letter

 Merry Christmas from our house to yours,

2021 was a year marked with loss for our family. We lost 6 family members within the first 8 months of the year. The 6th death being my Auntie Helen. This one was the most difficult for me personally. Most of you will know my Auntie Helen played a major role in all aspects of our extended family life.  We viewed her as the matriarch of the BHAMM  Family. Her loss hit hard, especially as her passing came on the heels of so many other deaths. Our only consolation is that she passed surrounded by her loved ones. We stood around her bed, shared our favourite memories and listened to her favourite songs during her final moments. I’m thankful we could be there to send her off in this way, but also to support Mom, Jason, Christine and Uncle Kwai during this painful time.


Despite the heartache we all experienced the circle of life continues. Thanksgiving weekend our family celebrated a major event – the wedding of my cousin Jason to Sia Kuo. This wonderful event came at the perfect time and brought us so much joy. We are so excited to welcome Sia into our family along with her daughter Richelle. We’ve officially changed our clan name to K’BHAMM Fam to include our newest members.


Other updates from our lives from 2021.


·   Jubilee is in her second year of French Immersion and continues to blossom as an artist

·      I’ve lost a significant amount of weight this year and I am feeling amazing, the healthiest I’ve been maybe ever!

·      We enjoyed two family vacations this year – one week at Camp Kahquah and one week tent camping with the whole BHAMM Fam clan.

·      I am now a licensed pastor and had the privilege of officiating my very first wedding this year.

·      The final step of our immigration journey has begun. All citizenship applications have been filled out and mailed in - this time next year we should be a full house of Canadians.

·      Joshua, Olivier and Joseph all have jobs interviews this week (!!!)

·      Kenol has connected with a group of Haitian pastors in the area and started a collective ministry of Haitian churches.

·      I am starting a new and exciting job with The Dalton Foundation in January as the Haiti Country Coordinator – a remote position. I will miss the library but I am so excited for the future with The Dalton Foundation

·      Kenol is excited to be back to in-person church – his preaching is on FIRE lately too

·      Joshua and Olivier’s soccer team placed second in the Ontario Cup

·      Zander loves Paw Patrol, talking non-stop, playing “Power Rangers”, “hulk smashing” things, hanging out with his cousins and building forts with Jubilee in the living room. He also LOVES daycare when Covid allows him to go.

·      Lou (our dog) continues to be adorable but forever leaves giant wads of fur all over the house

·      At the time of writing this letter I have read 58 books so far this year by 32 authors. A vast improvement from my 2020 record of 37 books by only 3 authors. I hope to continue to diversify my reading in 2022. Send me your recommendations!


We wish you nothing but joy, laughter, fun, adventure, growth, happiness, and flavourful meals in 2022.

With love and kindness,

Rachel (39), Kenol (43), Joshua (17), Olivier (16), Joseph (14), Jubilee (7) , Zander (2) and Lou (4)



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