A Grandmother's Burden
This morning an older women with the saddest eyes came to greet me. I know her well, she greets me every Sunday, but her eyes don't normally hold so much pain. I smiled at the baby in her arms and began the usual exchange of greetings. A smile. A kiss on the cheek. How are you? How is your family? This morning the answers were not what I expected. Her eyes welled up as she shared that her grandson passed away this week. A young boy I have met on numerous occasions. I was shocked as he has always looked so healthy. She doesn't have much, but I know she loves her grandchildren dearly and takes care of them as best she can. "What happened?" I asked. With her head lowered and eyes down she whispered, "He had a fever, and then he died. I tried to help him, we tried to take him to a hospital, but he died." I cannot begin to even imagine what life is like for this dear woman. Her husband shines shoes for a living, while she cares for a number of grandchildren...