Don't Let a Bad Day Stop You!

This has been a truly awful week. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING went the way I had hoped. People were fired, tutors didn't show up, kids failed assignments, vehicle requests went missing and our bulk purchasing trip was cancelled, twice...It was a very stressful and frustrating week to say the least. There was one thing that made it even worse, the fact that Kenol also had an awful week. Quite possibly worse than mine.

While Kenol was in a meeting this evening a friend messaged me asking if I knew if he was still prepared to share at our home church on Sunday night. I knew there was no way I would be able to do it after the week I had so I responded and said, "It's been such an hard week I doubt he will be up to it." Kenol got home an hour or so later. I shared with him that I had told Katie he wouldn't be up to sharing on Sunday night. He looked at me with surprise and said, "Why did you say that?" To which I responded, "because you have had such an awful week, I didn't think you would be up to it." He lovingly answered by saying, "There isn't anything that can stop me from preaching. When my son died, I went to his funeral in the morning and preached that night. "

Wow, did I ever underestimated my husband. He is truly an amazing man, and such an encouragement. He doesn't let bad days stop him from being awesome.

Here I have been wallowing in my awful week. I had to check myself. It happened, it's over, let's move on. I shouldn't let the awful things that flop in and out of my life affect my ability to be a light or an encouragement to others.

Kenol's great attitude was the slap in the head I needed to get out from under the fog of this week. I am moving on with life, and not letting my bad days stop any ministry opportunities that come my way!

I am one lucky girl, Kenol is the best!

Peace, love and wonderful husbands!



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