A Grandmother's Burden

This morning an older women with the saddest eyes came to greet me. I know her well, she greets me every Sunday, but her eyes don't normally hold so much pain. I smiled at the baby in her arms and began the usual exchange of greetings. A smile. A kiss on the cheek. How are you? How is your family? This morning the answers were not what I expected. Her eyes welled up as she shared that her grandson passed away this week. A young boy I have met on numerous occasions. I was shocked as he has always looked so healthy. She doesn't have much, but I know she loves her grandchildren dearly and takes care of them as best she can.

"What happened?" I asked.

With her head lowered and eyes down she whispered, "He had a fever, and then he died. I tried to help him, we tried to take him to a hospital, but he died."

I cannot begin to even imagine what life is like for this dear woman. Her husband shines shoes for a living, while she cares for a number of grandchildren who have been left in her care. Her daughter passed away two years ago this month, leaving newborn twins in her care. There was no money for formula to feed the twins and they soon became weak, which is when I first met her. Soudline and Soudnel, her grandchildren, came into my care when they were just a few months old. Since then we have had a special relationship, as we have a shared love for these precious babies. She faithfully attends our church now and often holds Soudline or Soudnel during the service. She is a kind woman, a loving grandmother.

My heart breaks for her.

A fever is sometimes all it takes in this country. It's 2013 and people are dying from simple fevers, infections, diarrhea, cuts left untreated; ailments that would normally be treated in just minutes at a clinic in North America.

My heart breaks for Haiti.

There is so much need right outside my door. So many children suffering. So many families hurting. So many beautiful grandmothers' hearts breaking.

Say a prayer for Haiti today, and this precious family.

Peace, love and a grandmother's tears.



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