Tolerated or Celebrated
Many months ago I had an encounter that significantly impacted me. We had a group of friends over for dinner, a pastor was among them. At the end of our meal (pumpkin curry of course) he began to speak these beautiful words of encouragement over me. One thing he said that has stayed in my mind was how much better it is to be celebrated than tolerated, and that we should gravitate to places we are celebrated instead of staying where we are tolerated. tol·er·ate ˈtäləˌrāt/ Accept or endure (someone or something unpleasant or disliked) Allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference. Be capable of continued subjection to without adverse reaction Tolerate comes from the latin word tolerare which means endured. cel·e ·brate ˈseləˌbrāt/ Publicly acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity. Honour or praise publicly. Celebrate com...