Dear (15 month old) Jubilee

Dear Jubilee,

You, my dear daughter, are a true source of joy in my life. You are the happiest person I have ever met. From the moment you wake up in the morning you instantly start bringing joy and life into our home. You wake up singing, or pounding your feet on the side of your crib (which makes an insane amount of noise!) or just calling out your brothers names one after the other. You can't quite pronounce their names yet, but you have a distinct name/sound for each of them which you are using more and more often these days.  Your voice is loud and deep. You don't know many actual words yet other than a handful of names, plus hi and bye. You'll be talking any day now though, and I can already tell once you start there will be no stopping you!

You are so incredibly independent, and were since day one. I'm proud of you for your many accomplishments, and for how fearless you are. I hope that doesn't change, be brave and confident Jubilee. Right now, you get rather frustrated when we try to help you with anything. You walk down stairs like a giant, taking each step with complete confidence as you dangle by your hand, which thankfully I am holding. Today you learned how to climb up the stairs at the playground and get down the slide on your own. You were so proud of yourself and had so much fun. We had to run to your rescue a few times though as you haven't quite figured out that you need to sit down at the top of the slide and not run down as you tried to do a number of times. You keep us on our toes.

You're also very curious and have figured out how to open the drawers in the kitchen. They're too high for you to see into, but that doesn't stop you from exploring. You just reach in and pull out whatever you can find. This has been a bit of a problem lately as you have pulled out knives on more than one occasion. We now have to keep all the sharp things in old milk cans on the counter. I do love when you pull out a spoon and a mixing bowl and pretend to stir up and eat something delicious saying, "Mmmmm!" with every pretend bite.

You have never been overly cuddly unfortunately, so we all appreciate any moments of snuggling we get with you. Just this morning you crawled over to me when daddy brought you into bed, climbed on top of me and hugged me for a long time. I cherish those moments dearly. You're growing up so quickly. Your now weighing in at 28 pounds, and are officially too big to fit across my lap. I wish you could stay tiny forever, but at the same time I can't wait to get to see your personality, and hear what you're thinking.

I love you baby girl, you are my joy.

Love Momma


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