Tolerated or Celebrated

Many months ago I had an encounter that significantly impacted me. We had a group of friends over for dinner, a pastor was among them. At the end of our meal (pumpkin curry of course) he began to speak these beautiful words of encouragement over me. One thing he said that has stayed in my mind was how much better it is to be celebrated than tolerated, and that we should gravitate to places we are celebrated instead of staying where we are tolerated.

  • Accept or endure (someone or something unpleasant or disliked)
  • Allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference.
  • Be capable of continued subjection to without adverse reaction 
Tolerate comes from the latin word tolerare which means endured.

  • Publicly acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.
  • Honour or praise publicly.
Celebrate comes from the latin word celeber which means honoured. 

These two words have been on my mind for months.

Am I celebrating those around me or tolerating them? Do I endure my friends, my co-workers, my neighbors, my children or do I honour them?

Am I personally being celebrated and honoured or am I tolerated and endured.

When you're celebrated you feel loved and accepted. You are free to be yourself and nothing less.  You share your opinions, ask questions, even challenge things you don't agree with because you feel secure in who you are. A celebrated person is confident, they easily see their value, and worth. They believe they can do great things and aren't afraid to take chances because they have a support system cheering them on, ready to help them up if they fall. What a way to live!!

When you're tolerated you feel unloved and rejected. You are afraid to be youself, you keep your opinions and questions to yourself. You let things happen even though you don't agree with them because you are afraid to speak up. Eventually you begin to feel ashamed of who you have become. People living in a state of 'being endured' are on a slippery slope. They constantly question their value. They believe others see them as worthless, and eventually believe it themselves. They are afraid to step out and try new things, because they fear failure and ridicule.

I have been both celebrated and tolerated in my life. I know the joy and despair of both scenarios. I don't ever want to make anyone feel as though they are simply being tolerated! Friends we are called to celebrate. We are called to honour and love.

There are more than 7 billion people alive today wandering around this planet.  And each day God gifts us with a chosen few souls to interact with. Don't waste an opportunity to celebrate, to encourage or to love. Let's make sure these 1 in a billion interactions mean something, and bring positive change to the world.

Be sure to celebrate your friends, your families and your children each and everyday. May they feel loved and valued always.

We have just one life friends, spend it well. Why stay where you're tolerated, when you could go where you are celebrated!

Peace & love,



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