
Showing posts from April, 2016

I'm Ready

I'm ready for what is to come. I've been in 'prepare' mode, on standby, for so long. I know something big is on the way. I know it's going to be huge. I don't know when, and I don't really know what. But that's ok. I'm not even scared. Today, right now. In this moment I am R E A D Y. I trust that the Lord knows my heart, knows my dreams and my desires. I trust that God's plans are so much better than mine. I know that He loves me, and that He is G O O D. God whatever is coming, whatever you have planned. I am ready.

Dear Kenol

Dear Kenol, Your faith is incredible, your strength is inspiring and the trust you have in God is rock solid. In the face of trials and difficulty you stand firm. The moments I'm ready to throw in the towel or completely fall apart you show up with your faith and calm words, and encourage me to trust the Lord whole heartedly. I cannot even begin to explain how blessed and proud I am to be your wife. You work tirelessly for our family, and also for the Lord. You greet every problem with a smile and lovingly value those who need you. We have walked an uphill journey in many ways these past four years. But we walked that hill hand in hand with joy in our hearts and a deep love for each other, despite the obstacles in front of us almost every step of the way. When I look back all I remember is joyful times and a happy home. You and I just fit. I love you, and it is a joy to do life with you. Signed, The wife of your life.

Summer Camp Dreams

I want the best for my children, and nothing less. I want them to have it all. I don't mean iPhones and fancy shoes; those things are fun but they're not what's important. What I want for my children are the best opportunities, the best experiences and the best memories. When the boys got Canadian visas last year it opened so many doors for amazing opportunities, I am so thankful for those visas. You. Have. No. Idea. Last summer was a summer of firsts. First plane ride. First time meeting Eve and Maya. First roller coaster ride. First peach. First time seeing an elephant. First time I was able to pile everyone in the car and drive us around freely. First movie theatre experience. I started dreaming about the possibilities for the boys for this summer, and top of my list was summer camp. I have such amazing memories from my summers at Camp Kahquah, I imagined how incredible would it be for the boys to experience camp. A few clicks later and I discovered...

L'Union Fait la Force

Haiti's coat of arms features a ribbon that states, "L'Union Fait La Force" which is translated as unity makes strength. I very tangibly experienced the strength that comes from unity this past weekend. Last Friday 45 women, from all stages of life, came together and were strengthened at a HaitiOne missionary women's retreat.  These 45 women come from:   4 different countries 20 difference states/provinces They are working in:  4 different departments  18 different villages/towns  And together they have:  312+ years of full time missions experience.   Planning the weekend was both a blessing and a bit of a challenge. I had never done anything like this before, and wanted so badly for the women to be richly blessed.  My goal for the weekend was for women to come into community, get connected, be refreshed,  be fed spiritually and of course have a little fun. One thing I have learned in my years on th...

Family Decisions

We were married February 2012 and became an instant family of 5. The boys were 4, 6 and 8 at the time. We wanted to wait a little before adding to our family, to bond and adjust to our new life. We decided we were ready by the end of 2013 and I soon became pregnant with Jubilee. It was a little crazy since neither Kenol or the boys had Canadian visas at the time and we knew we wanted to have the baby in Canada. Thankfully Kenol was granted a visa mid-pregnancy and Jubilee was born in Ontario November 2014. I was in Canada for 7 weeks total for her birth, and Kenol came for 4. It was a very trying time because Kenol and I were away from the boys for so long, but we did what we had to and we survived. And so we became a family of 6. I know things will be different for Jubilee being a bi-racial child. In Haiti she is considered white, and in Canada she will be considered black. Kenol and I both can understand not completely fitting into each others worlds, but we know the comfort of a...