L'Union Fait la Force

Haiti's coat of arms features a ribbon that states, "L'Union Fait La Force" which is translated as unity makes strength. I very tangibly experienced the strength that comes from unity this past weekend.

Last Friday 45 women, from all stages of life, came together and were strengthened at a HaitiOne missionary women's retreat. 
These 45 women come from: 
4 different countries
20 difference states/provinces

They are working in:
 4 different departments 
18 different villages/towns 

And together they have:
 312+ years of full time missions experience.
Planning the weekend was both a blessing and a bit of a challenge. I had never done anything like this before, and wanted so badly for the women to be richly blessed. 
My goal for the weekend was for women to come into community, get connected, be refreshed, 
be fed spiritually and of course have a little fun.
One thing I have learned in my years on the mission field is that ministry is lonely, especially cross cultural ministry. We often feel like we are alone in our calling. Friends and family back home can't fully understand us, and yet neither can our Haitian friends here.
That is why this weekend was so important and so special. What an honor and a blessing to have laughed, learned and got creative with these inspiring women who get it, who get me. You can't come to Haiti a week here and a week there and ever truly understand. 

The joy and the sorrow. 

The loss and the gain. 

I can't tell you how freeing it is to be in a room filled with people who get me with no explanation required.
Not only did we have incredibly challenging, thought provoking and encouraging teaching, by my good friend Amber, but we also worshipped, painted, lounged, swam, ate amazing food and laughed together. It was the perfect mixture of learning and being. 
L'Union Fe la Force, I hope that this weekend brought enough unity to truly make each one of us a little stronger.


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