The toothbrush cup

There are moments that stand out above and beyond all others. Usually these moments are nothing shiny, nothing flashy just pure and simple joy.

As I reached for my toothbrush the other night I noticed that it was not alone.

It was sleepover night at my house and a bedroom of girls were staying over. It made me smile when I saw a little pink toothbrush next to mine. This simple act spoke to me. It said, “I am comfortable in your home. I feel acceptance here. I feel loved.”

Maybe it’s a stretch, maybe I’m reaching here, but I think the placement of a toothbrush says a lot.

When you’re staying over at a friend’s where do you put your toothbrush? Do you keep it in your bag? Leave it on the counter? Or put it in the cup? Typically, when staying with friends, I keep mine in my makeup bag, unless I feel at completely welcome and at home where I am. Then, and only then does my toothbrush find it’s home in the cup.

I am so glad the kids feel like they are at home when they are here, because in a way they are.

Peace, love and toothbrush cups,



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