Only You are Holy

God has been speaking to me over the past few weeks.

It's always a wonderful thing when God speaks to you, although sometimes it's painful. No one likes to be told they're doing something wrong. As much as we try to pretend, no one truly enjoys being criticized. Yet, the Bible says we are the clay and God is the potter. We need to be pliable and allow God to form us and mold us into the person He wants us to be. Which means sometimes God needs to let us know when we start down a path He hasn’t laid out for us.

I am so accustomed to my way of doing things, to my way of thinking. I am set in my ways and to be completely honest I don't want to change. Change is hard. Change takes effort. Change takes energy. Change hurts. Change is humbling. Change means I have to be willing to say, "I need to do something different, because what I'm doing isn't working."

I like to think I have it all together. I like to think, "I have arrived." I like to think I am a good person. I like to be in charge! Oh, how prideful I have become.

Here's the thing God's been trying to teach me lately. It's one of those simple yet earth shattering truths. "It's more important to be with God than to work for God." God would rather someone spend time investing in their relationship WITH God than spend time working FOR God.

So pretty much God is telling me this. "Rachel, it's wonderful that you so badly want to work yourself to the bone for Me, but if that means you're sacrificing our relationship it's worth nothing. I would prefer an hour of your time over 10 hours of your work."

Then tonight I went to a prayer and worship service at the church and God added something else on top of what He's already been telling me. We sang a song that says:

Only You are worthy
Only You are wonderful
For there's no one else like You
Who is faithful ever true
All my love, my heart, my life
Is a testimony
Only You are holy

While we sang an extended version of this song in Creole the Lord opened my eyes to this painful truth; He is not number one on my priority list.

Why is it that the truth always hurts so much? I couldn't argue, He was right. Somehow the kids, the orphanage, my job has become my priority. Here I am, "Doing the Lord's work." and the work somehow slipped in front of the Lord on my priority list.

So now what? I'm back at step 1. There are some major changes that need to be made, and it's not going to be easy, it's not going to be comfortable. My pride will be hurt, that's unavoidable. Being molded from what I am into what God wants me to be is not going to be easy, or pain-free, but it's what I want. It's what needs to be done.

It's like in 1 Corinthians 13, when Paul talks about doing all sorts of wonderful, honorable things, but doing them without love, thus making them worth nothing. Since God IS love, if I am doing all these wonderful, honorable things without God as my center, without God as my focus, without God as my priority what is it worth? NOTHING.

I have to make God, my priority. If he isn't my priority than nothing I do is worth anything. But how does one go about changing the focus of their life? I’m not entirely sure. I guess I just have to be pliable and open to change.

I am the clay and He is the potter.


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