
I found out today at my grocery store crush died. I didn’t know him, really. I’ve just had a crush on him since my first trip to the Caribbean grocery store three and a half years ago. He was beautiful; tall, dark and handsome as they say. He gave me discounts sometimes, but now he’s gone.

It’s silly I know. I didn’t know him, but he was a part of my life. He was a part of my trips in to town. That store was a part of my life. The ladies at the money counter, the bag boys and meat counter guys, they were all a part of my life.

But everything has changed now. The Haiti I once knew is no more.

Today is going to be a very hard day. I have not left the mission grounds since the earthquake hit on Tuesday. I have not seen the extent of what has happened. I know it’s bad, real bad, but I have yet to see it with my own eyes. Today that is going to change as we are heading into the city to do our first of many medical clinic and food distributions. I am so glad I am able to be a part of this, I’m so glad I’m able to do something, but if I’m totally honest I’m scared to death. Today this all becomes real. Today my eyes will be opened to the fact that the country I have come to love as my own is in ruin, and the people I love so dearly are hurting beyond what I could even imagine.

Please be praying for our team today. We are all running on empty at this point emotionally and physically, pray for renewed strength and compassion. Pray also for our safety. Please pray that the love of Jesus will shine bright tomorrow in this sea of despair.

Thank you for you love and for your prayers,



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