Good news

I have some great news to share. I heard this morning that Bildad’s sister (who I mentioned in last night’s email) was found and she is ALIVE! Praise the Lord! I don’t know all the details since I have not seen Bildad yet today, but word on the street is she somehow made it out of the school and they found her in a hospital. I’ll know more when I see him, but I wanted to share the good news with you right away!

Other great news – I have a tent city almost finished for the Hope House kids to move into tonight. There are 8 tents set up and pegged in! I just have to put the rain covers on and maybe see if I can find another tent or two. It’s been a long and exhausting morning, but after seeing the children shivering so bad last night I had to figure something out and the kids are way too scared to move inside any building. They said they would rather sleep outside again. I thought it would be a good idea to put the tents up in the shade, but they kids wanted the tents far away from everything, even the trees. At least they'll be warm tonight!

Peace, love and warm tents,



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