
Once again I’m not sure where to begin. It’s been a while since I’ve written and so much has happened: Our day clinic has been transformed into a Hospital with a 24 hour operating room. Our high school building has been transformed into a post-op care facility. This afternoon we had a number of helicopters land in the field next to the clinic transporting patients from the General Hospital who are in desperate need of surgery. The Hope House Orphanage kids and I are still sleeping in tents. I’m working on getting some large army tents for the boys since their wing is badly damaged (we’ll eventually move the girls back in). Rose Milaine has been registered as a displaced person with Unicef, but so far we have not heard anything. She has made lots of friends and is fitting in well at the Hope House. We have been doing food and water distributions everyday, well over a million meals have been distributed in the past 2 and a half weeks. Our guest house is being referred to as “Woodstock” as the field next door keeps filling up with tents of volunteers, a small boy was abandoned at the front gate and in the midst of all that I spent 36 hours in Florida picking up supplies for the orphanage!

I miss sleeping.

Peace & love,



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