The growing family: Part 2

Once the decision was made that the boys needed our help I brought them in for medical exams. Our doctor thoroughly checked them out, and ordered some blood work, testing for a number of things including HIV. I was relieved to hear that other than a bit of a cold and a possible (easily treatable) parasite they were given a clean bill of health. I was even more relieved when I got their test results and saw ‘HIV: negative’ written on both their papers.

The next day I asked the boys and their grandmother to come to the mission. I brought the grandmother into my office and explained that we would be willing to take the boys into the orphanage if she was willing. “Praise the Lord!” was all she could say. I filled out the paperwork and then asked her to sign the papers. Looking at the floor she told me she couldn’t write her name. I assured her this would not be a problem as she was not the first person to sign a Hope House entry form with a squiggly “t” instead of a signature.

I then had the boys come in and explained to them that they would be coming to live at the Hope House. They looked at each other as smiles stretched over both their faces. “When?” was all they wanted to know since they both knew all about the orphanage from living in the area.

I told them I would be picking them up the next day just after noon.


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