The Karate Kid

My Mom and Dad are here along with Leanne, my best friend, my favourite pastor John Fraser and his beautiful wife Cathy and about 50 other Canadians.

My house is a huge mess of suitcases, mattresses, water bottles and paint cans. It’s a beautiful thing.

I love having my parents here, they are amazing, super fun and on top of all that helpful. I’ve been writing out a “Daddy do” list for a few months now, making sure I keep him busy while he’s here: painting, hanging mirrors, putting up a wall in my bedroom so I will have a closet and building a dog house for Kinzie (my dog). My mom taught me how to make bread yesterday, which turned out delicious, and also helped wash down the cupboards getting them ready for a fresh coat of paint.

Movie night this week was so much fun!! The kids love having them here too. My Dad brought my guitar down to the orphanage on for movie night and while the boys set up the projector he sang some songs with the kids. It was so much fun and the kids LOVED it! I don’t usually let the kids watch fighting movies but I saw a copy of the Karate Kid on sale a while back and couldn’t resist. I am so glad I got it because watching them watch it was more fun than watching the movie itself. The kids were gasping and clapping and jumping out of their seats the whole time. At the very end, when the good guy wins the kids all jumped up and were cheering and shouting and hooting and hollering. Of course as soon as the credits started to roll they all started practicing their karate moves on each other. When I told them there is a new Karate Kid coming out with Jackie Chan (who they love) they clapped even more asking, “Can we watch it next week??”

Have a great Sunday!

Peace, love and family,



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