The brighter side
Life is so confusing sometimes. Overwhelming even.
And then something amazing happens that reminds you to enjoy it, and just take it one day at a time.

This past Sunday was Nehemie’s baby dedication. It was an amazing day and I am so excited to be her Godmother! It was especially exciting because Patris, being the new pastor at Mission of Hope’s church, was able to do the dedication service himself. We then headed to the beach in Simonette to celebrate. Good things are happening all the time!

I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. My life doesn’t reflect the life I had imagined for myself, not even a little. It’s more stressful, chaotic and traumatic. But it’s also more fulfilling, joyful, exciting, adventurous and meaningful.

I have the most amazing family, the best friends in the world, the most fulfilling job in existence, a beautiful Goddaughter, a niece or nephew on the way (SO EXCITED!!), two amazing church families, a whole wack of amazing children to love, so many places to call home, and on top of all that there is always someone to miss, and someone is always missing me!
Yeah, sometimes life is confusing, and overwhelming but it’s also amazing and wonderful and breathtaking and I am going to do my best to make the most of every day I have. Including this one!
Peace, love and happiness,
And then something amazing happens that reminds you to enjoy it, and just take it one day at a time.

This past Sunday was Nehemie’s baby dedication. It was an amazing day and I am so excited to be her Godmother! It was especially exciting because Patris, being the new pastor at Mission of Hope’s church, was able to do the dedication service himself. We then headed to the beach in Simonette to celebrate. Good things are happening all the time!

I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. My life doesn’t reflect the life I had imagined for myself, not even a little. It’s more stressful, chaotic and traumatic. But it’s also more fulfilling, joyful, exciting, adventurous and meaningful.

I have the most amazing family, the best friends in the world, the most fulfilling job in existence, a beautiful Goddaughter, a niece or nephew on the way (SO EXCITED!!), two amazing church families, a whole wack of amazing children to love, so many places to call home, and on top of all that there is always someone to miss, and someone is always missing me!
Yeah, sometimes life is confusing, and overwhelming but it’s also amazing and wonderful and breathtaking and I am going to do my best to make the most of every day I have. Including this one!
Peace, love and happiness,
we are preparing for oliver's child dedication here...makes me feel connected knowing that you guys are doing the same thing across the ocean : ) xoxo