Dealing with Change


Change is hard and there is a lot of change going on right now. I am having a hard time adjusting.

I keep waiting for things to go back to “normal” but what is normal? Parents begging me to take their children? People starving? Babies dying? Barefoot children wearing rags?

That was my normal before the earthquake.

Normal now is watching peoples homes blow away in the wind as they stand outside in the rain. Normal now is mile after mile of broken down tent cities. Normal now is hunger. Normal now is thirst. Normal now is sickness. Normal now is suffering.

How can this be normal?

I don’t understand how we can allow this to continue. How can some of us throw food away while others are starving? How can some of us drop out of school while other would give anything to have the chance to go? How can we worry about what colour to paint our shutters when millions of people are homeless?

I don’t know about you but I can’t sit back and do nothing. I can’t.

Yes, I am having a hard time adjusting, but my anger will fuel my desire for justice, my confusion will fuel my desire to seek truth and my frustration will fuel compassion.

Peace, love and action.


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