No power, No problem??

Power is always an issue in Haiti. Sometimes you have it, sometimes you don’t. Since I got back our inverter has been out of commission, which means we only have power when the generator is running. And so our power goes off each morning between 5:30 and 6:00.

Knowing we deal with incurable power issues, I was sure to keep that in mind when shopping for a new alarm clock a few weeks ago. I looked at a few different places and finally found one that wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but was pretty close, plus in bold red font on the box it said, “No power, no problem.”

This morning I set my alarm for 7:30. The power was already off but thankfully the alarm still went off at the right time. However, there seems to be one small detail the manufacturers overlooked. The alarm starts buzzing at the right time, but with no power it’s impossible to turn it off, I couldn’t even unplug it! So the soundtrack of me getting ready this morning was the non-stop, annoying buzzer sound of my wonderful new, “no power, no problem” alarm clock.


Peace, love and alarm clocks,



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