Oh Happy Today!!

This morning bright and early I stumbled into the washroom, completely unaware of the unfortunate events about to unfold, I flicked on the light and wandered in, oblivious to the fact that I was mere seconds away from being brutally attacked by a giant cockroach. You see, cockroaches like dark places, so my bright disturbance was met with hostility. In the chaos of my intrusion the crazy cockroach ran directly at me, I was at a disadvantage seeing as my pj bottoms were already half way down before I saw him. The beast was half way up my calf before I could react. I ripped my pants off and jumped around squealing as quietly as possible seeing as it wasn’t yet 5:00am. Not a good way to start the day!

A few hours later I’m down at the orphanage attending the ‘end of summer camp’ talent show, where the kids recite the poems they learned, do short skits, sing songs and have dance contests. The show was pretty extensive; I’m talking hours and hours.

The last song of the show was my favourite, not because it was the last song but because it was by far the funniest! Ellison and Steevenson sang “Oh Happy Day.” I will never again hear that song and not think of Steevenson and his ad lib lyrics. Ellison sang first and then Steevenson would repeat, however, Steevenson didn’t seem to know the correct words; so as loud as ever, dancing with the microphone Steevenson was belting out, “Oh Happy Today.” Over and over! It was awesome.

Peace, love and a happy today!



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