Update on Pierre

I know many of you have been waiting for an update on sweet Pierre. I have not been able to send one because I have not had contact with anyone at the hospital since the riots began Tuesday night. Thankfully yesterday things calmed down enough for us to get through with our ambulance.

I waited anxiously to hear how he was doing. I had a missed call Thursday morning at 3:00am from an unknown number, which made me nervous, I thought the call was possibly from someone at the hospital calling with bad news. When Frantz, the orphanage supervisor, got back, I called him to hear how Pierre and the mommy who had been with him were. Frantz told me he was coming up to talk to me. I panicked, thinking the worst. I ran down to meet Frantz asking him what was going on. He laughed and pulled out his phone to show me a video he had taken of Pierre LAUGHING!! Can you believe it, laughing and smiling! The same Pierre who has been on his deathbed for the past two weeks, Praise the Lord! He is still in the critical care unit, and we still don’t know what is wrong but the fact that he was responsive and smiling is HUGE.

Thank you all for your prayers, I believe the fact that Pierre is still alive is because there are hundreds of people around the world praying for him. Please continue to pray for a miracle. My prayer is that Pierre will leave the hospital healed completely! (For those of you who do not know Pierre’s story he was abandoned at our clinic months ago and prior to this illness already had both neurological and muscular problems.) I will keep you posted with his progress.

Peace, love and that sweet toothy grin!



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