Steevenson the 7 year old man-boy!
I saw a picture of Steevenson yesterday that took my breath away, it took a moment for it to register that it was even him. He didn’t look like the cubby cheeked toddler, or even a little guy who used to follow me around everywhere. He looked like a boy, a real BOY; the grown up kind! How did that happen???

It is amazing what can happen in five years. When I moved to Haiti Steevenson was just 2 years old. We bonded my very first day and he has been my little man ever since. I call him my shadow; he follows me everywhere, and has since he was two. He walks along side me and chatters away barely pausing to take a breath, asking a million questions about everything imaginable.

It has been said that Steevenson has adopted some of my charter traits. I can see it sometimes when he’s talking, especially when he gets excited. Arms flailing, voice bouncing up and down, with sounds effects and lots of over exaggerated facial expression. I can’t help but laugh, he really is a mini Rachel in so many ways!

I sometimes wonder what he’ll be like as a teenager, what he’ll do when he grows up, and most importantly what kind of man he will become. I asked him the other day what he wants to be when he grows up. He put his hands on his hips, titled his head to the side, sighed and said, “I already told you, when I grow up I want to sweep floors!” That we need to work on, he’s been saying that since he was 3 years old!! Apparently his dream still hasn’t changed!!
I love that little man more than anything. These kids have a way of grabbing onto your heart and never letting go. I am blessed to spend my life with them.
Peace, love and future floor cleaners,

It is amazing what can happen in five years. When I moved to Haiti Steevenson was just 2 years old. We bonded my very first day and he has been my little man ever since. I call him my shadow; he follows me everywhere, and has since he was two. He walks along side me and chatters away barely pausing to take a breath, asking a million questions about everything imaginable.

It has been said that Steevenson has adopted some of my charter traits. I can see it sometimes when he’s talking, especially when he gets excited. Arms flailing, voice bouncing up and down, with sounds effects and lots of over exaggerated facial expression. I can’t help but laugh, he really is a mini Rachel in so many ways!

I sometimes wonder what he’ll be like as a teenager, what he’ll do when he grows up, and most importantly what kind of man he will become. I asked him the other day what he wants to be when he grows up. He put his hands on his hips, titled his head to the side, sighed and said, “I already told you, when I grow up I want to sweep floors!” That we need to work on, he’s been saying that since he was 3 years old!! Apparently his dream still hasn’t changed!!
I love that little man more than anything. These kids have a way of grabbing onto your heart and never letting go. I am blessed to spend my life with them.
Peace, love and future floor cleaners,
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