Oh what a week this has been!

One fine day when I felt like everything that could go wrong was going wrong and I was feeling discouraged a wise man, named John Fraser, told me, “You know you are in God’s will and about to do something great for the kingdom when everything is coming up against you. It means Satan sees the great things coming and is working his tale off to stop it from happening.”

Well, it would seem we must be doing something great, with all the changes going on at the orphanage, because I have had one of the worst weeks ever.

It has been a constant struggle this week and to be honest it seems each day has progressively gotten worse. I am trying to keep my head up, and have a good attitude through it all. I try to focus on what John Boy told me and be confident that great things are on the horizon.

Kenol shared a verse with me yesterday, which I have been trying to keep at the forefront of my mind through everything that has been going on. Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. I am sitting here trying to be still and let the Lord fight this battle for me, but I need your help. I know from experience that prayer changes everything and so I am asking you to pray for me this week. Please pray for encouragement, strength to keep on going, faith to keep on trusting, joy to keep me smiling and peace that it is all going to be ok.

Peace, love and thanks,



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