Life and Thanks

One of the best things about living in Haiti is having the opportunity to serve along side AMAZING people from all over the world! We currently have staff here from Canada, the United States and Japan!

There is a special bond between staff here. You go through a lot together, the good, the bad and the ugly. Living in community can sometimes be a challenge, (working together, living together, eating together…). However, it can also be super fun; dance parties, dinner parties, movie nights, TV show marathons, Bible study, sweatfests, meltdowns, giggle-fests, celebrations and of course kickboxing at 5:30 in the morning. We go through it all together.

As my fifth year comes to an end I am looking back and thinking of all the people I have met, the bonds I have made. So many people have touched my life. So many people have helped shape who I am today. So many amazing people have crossed my path, some just for a week, some for a year and some, I’m sure, for a lifetime.

I have been blessed beyond what I ever could have imagined. My life looks nothing like I ever planned, but it also exceeds my expectations every single day. Who would have thought my best friend would be a Pastor from Simonette who graduated high-school at 29, and that my boyfriend would be a widow with three small boys. Who would have thought I would be the one constant thing in the lives of 59 children? Life is funny that way, it’s never what we think it should be, thank the Lord!

As this season comes to an end for a number of our staff I look forward with excitement, wondering who God will throw on our front step next, and I look back with gratitude on the times we had together.

Thank you Cheryl and Laurens for the 3 years we spent together, thank you for changing my life and for helping me keep it together when everything was falling apart.

Thank you Kara-Lynn for investing in the kids, for taking the time to listen to them when they just needed someone to talk to. Thank you for the many hours we spent on the couch trying to solve the world’s problems, or at least figure out how to make it through the day.

Thank you Bailey for sharing your smile, your wisdom and your amazing singing voice. Your joy and excitement for life is contagious.

Thank you Brad and Vanessa for your guidance and encouragement. Thank you for being a constant in my life, and for giving me this amazing opportunity.

I’m not really sure what life without my peeps will look like but I know it will be an amazing adventure, it always is.

Peace, love and friends,


I would also like to say a special thank you to my family. They have given up so much to enable me to be here. I know it's not easy to have your daughter, sister, cousin, niece or auntie so far away. It's been five years of missed Birthdays, Christmas', Easters and Thanksgivings'. I have missed engagements, wedding planning, surgery recovery, pregnancy and the birth of my nephew. Thank you for loving me and supporting me even though some of you are not 100% ok with me being here!


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