Happy April Birthdays
Wow! April has been a busy month for Birthday’s at the Hope House. We
had 9 birthdays this month ranging in age from 4 to 18. Birthday’s in
Haiti are a little different than back home. Most children don’t get
birthday parties, or much of a birthday present. We of course want
birthday's to be something special! However, with so many children we
have realized we can’t have a party for each child as there would have
been 4 in one week this month so we have one big party every month for everyone born in that month.
The kids ask regularly
when the birthday party will be. We mix it up, sometimes at the
beginning of the month, sometimes the end, and sometimes in between.
Stevenson asks all the time what day the party will be in December (when
his birthday is). He cracks me up.
We have our very own way of screaming out, “Haaaaappppppyyy Biiirrrthdaaaay” to each child as they walk in the door. We light candles (sometimes birthday candles, sometimes regular ones.) sing Happy Birthday and enjoy some yummy homemade cake. Then each child receives their gift. Once gifts are opened and everyone is finished showing off what they got we pop in whatever movie the kids pick out, sit back, relax and enjoy some time together.
What a blessing to be able to celebrate another year of life with these children. Some who never would have made it to this birthday without Mission of Hope!

Peace, love and Birthday parties!
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