The Haircut

My afternoon job today was bringing donations down to the orphanage. I headed to the guest house, loaded up the truck and bumped my way down to the orphanage depot. In the donations I found a suitcase full of AWESOME baby stuff so I decided I would hand deliver the super cute onesies.…an hour and a half later I had rocked both Soudline and Soudnel to sleep, spent some quality time with Pierre, joked around with Jeremiah, and watched the toddlers get completely covered in mango juice as they each devoured their very own mango. They were literally covered in mango juice from head to toe! It was pretty hilarious. After they were cleaned up I decided it was due time for Julien and Gilner to have a haircut.

They are one of three sets of twins in the baby room, the other two sets are boy-girl. Thankfully we only have one identical set, as it’s pretty hard to tell them apart. It doesn’t help that they both answer to either name! A month or so ago we decided it was time for a haircut. We gave Julien an all over trim while we gave Gilner a buzz up the sides with some curl left on top to help us tell them apart. I say we, but it was actually a hairstylist here on a team that did it. I was hacking away at Julien’s hair when she fluttered in like a fairy godmother carrying with her a magical bag of tricks (she seriously had a big canvas bag filled with scissors, clippers, combs, gels and everything else needed to do hair!) It was awesome that she showed up as I was cutting his hair, which only happens once every month or so…perfect timing. I handed the half cut curly head of hair over to her and watched carefully as she did both Julien and Gilner’s hair, knowing I would be the next to try to copy her masterpieces.

Back to today. I cut Julien’s hair (the all around trim) at the baby house, but needed to bring Gilner up to the house to use the old set of clippers we have. After his mango mess was cleaned up I told Manmi Edith to hold off on putting any clothes on him as he was about to get covered in hair. I plopped the half naked boy in the truck and up we went.

I went in confident that I could easily do this haircut….but within the first 2 minutes I began to second guess myself. These boys have some Dominican blood in them we think so their hair is different from all the other kids. The mommies are very protective of their hair, as they think it’s the most beautiful thing ever and have specially requested that we do these special haircuts for them instead of just shaving their heads like we do all the other boys. Feeling the pressure I began to worry if I had gone too far and might end up sending a cute bald boy down.

With Cassanlove cheering me on saying, “It doesn’t look that bad, keep going.” I did and eventually was able to send him back down with an ok looking doo.

Today is a perfect example of why I love what I do so much. A simple task can so easily turn into special time spent investing in these amazing children and even learning how to cut hair a little better!

Peace, love and twins we can tell apart again!



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