New Uniforms
Everything is complete new to our boys. They have moved out
of the city to the boonies of Titanyen, left a house full of cousins, uncles
and their grandmother to a house with just the three of them, plus Kenol and I in a house full of
“white people” things. They have gone from speaking French at home to speaking
Creole and now English, and then entering into the wonderful world of the
orphanage. After all that we stuck them in English school and even let them go
to school the first day in shorts and flip flops! Joshua was so funny, when I
told him to get his sandals on he looked at me in horror and quickly asked,
“Will the other kids be wearing sandals?”
You see, the boys have never gone to school without wearing
a full uniform; coloured socks, black shoes, dress pants, black belt, and a
tucked in dress shirt. The thought of going to school in sandals was pretty far
outside the box for them. The boys had never even heard of a school that allows kids to
attend without a uniform. They brought the subject of a uniform up on numerous
occasions so finally I asked if they would like to have a uniform to wear to
school. All three of the boys instantly said, “Yes, yes, yes!”
So I decided to get some coloured polo’s with the MOH logo
embroidered on them and have those be their uniform. I ordered a bunch of cute,
colourful polos online and had them sent to the support office in Florida where
they were embroidered and then brought over by one of the MOH staff members from
the office.
When the shirts finally arrived the boys were so excited.
They each have 6 shirts, all different colours. I had imagined that they would
each be wearing a different colour each day, but I was definitely wrong. When
we picked out their shirts for today they decided together that they would all
wear orange and tomorrow they would wear red. When they got their shirts on
this morning they were bouncing all around, so excited to show their teacher,
Miss Diana, their new shirts.
With the uniform problems history, at dinner tonight, the
boys quickly moved on to wondering how they’re going get the highest mark in
their class is they are the only student in their grade. They crack me up.
Peace, love and uniforms,
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