Reflections on a Good Friday Service

Good Friday and Easter Sunday are pretty important days in the Christian faith. It’s what our entire belief is based on. Without Jesus there would be no Christianity. Without Jesus there would be no salvation. Without Jesus we would be a lost and lonely people with no hope. I am thankful for Jesus, and the sacrifice He made for me.

Tonight at the Good Friday service a few verses really stuck out to me.

…the punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way, and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:5-6

Those few lines sum up so much of where my hope is found. I have been, and continue to be healed through Jesus Christ. That being said I still sometimes go astray and turn to my own way, but God still laid all my iniquities on Jesus, knowing how many times I have and will need forgiveness.

We sang a beautiful song tonight too, the chorus says, “A tout ke m, map chante pou jan lamou Bondye bon. M adore l e mwen louwe l pou sakrifis Jezi pou mwen.” Which translated roughly as, “With all my heart I will sing because God’s love is so good. I worship and praise Him for the sacrifice of Jesus, for me.” Emphasis on the ME.

It is so easy to fall into a day to day routine, where you end up just going through the motions of life, and yes, this definitely happens to missionaries. It was so refreshing to be reminded tonight that Jesus died for me personally. Thousands of years ago Jesus was nailed to a cross for me, to pay the price for every one of my sins. Even then God was thinking of me.

It was a refreshing and important reminder for me tonight, that I am important in God’s eyes. He chose to sacrifice Jesus for me, because He loves me that much. He loves you that much too. God love for us is abundant and unconditional. What a wonderful and glorious truth.

I hope and pray you will feel God’s overwhelming love for you this Easter weekend too.

Peace, love and wandering sheep,



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