The Weight of Responsibility

I got some pretty sad news last week that has been so heavy on my heart. A young man, who was once mine, was arrested.

The rest of the day I processed this information, and then a gnawing feeling crept into my heart. Did I do all I could have to help him? Was there something else I could have said to him? Was there something else I could have done for him? The questions were churning in my mind, and then an even greater and more convicting thought came. One day I will stand before the Lord to give an account for what I did or didn't do with the responsibilities I was entrusted with. (Romans 14:12, 2 Corinthians 4:10) Including this young man. When I stand before God, will He see that I did all I could? That I seized every opportunity I was given to lead this young man down the right path?

I don't know.

I lay in bed that night unable to sleep, thinking about this young man and the weight of the responsibility I have been given laying heavy on my heart and mind. I have a responsibility and an obligation to each child in my care. Am I doing all I can to shape their minds, to develop their gifts and talents, to ensure that they have every opportunity to know Christ and follow the plan He has for their lives?

I am thankful for this conviction which has brought a sharpening, and clarity of my focus. I am not here just to feed and clothe these children, to make schedules and keep things running smoothy. I am here for a greater purpose than that. I was entrusted with this great responsibility and with the Lord's help I will do it to the best of my ability. 

I need to feel the weight of this responsibility and pray for the wisdom and discernment to lead these children well. I know they are responsible for their actions, but I want to be sure to do my part in raising them to Love the Lord with all their hearts and follow Him.

Peace, love and responsibility.


Please pray for this young man, and that despite his surroundings he would have hope.



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